2023 Impact with Tabitha Community in Action

Children: Currently, TCA (Tabitha Community in Action) serves over 300 children in our nutrition and education program by providing school supplies and porridge to their families. The community is celebrating the value of education because of how influential TCA’s 300 children are becoming through the inspiration that comes with having their needs met.

Children’s Goals: We want to expand this program according to the needs of this community. As we increase funds and partners, we will be expanding soon.

Teens: 500 people, in the Youth Empowerment Program, learn how to sustain their families through business. They are taking the initiative to figure out ways to create jobs for themselves. Most of them are fascinated with technology and business. They have been teaching others how to use computers, cell phones, and tablets. Many are practicing photography. Teens enjoy simplifying difficult tasks for others and captivating the best of every moment.

Teen’s Goals: We hope to supply 20 more laptops and 5 more cameras shortly so the children can have access to opportunities, thoroughly research information for school assignments, and simply learn more about computers and photographic instruments.

Women: 1000 women are learning financial literacy and community involvement. In this community, they are leading by example to improve the lives of those around them.

Women’s Goals: We hope to implement projects that generate income through agriculture and homemaking. Home-Eche is a valued tradition in Burundi as the majority of closet and household items are handmade. Upcoming projects would include solar-powered hydroponic garden towers and a sewing shop at the community center.

Men: Men have been volunteering with TCA to serve their friends and families. Men in Burundi are typically carpenters, office workers, farmers, plumbers, electricians, and the main breadwinners in their households. They are not beneficiaries of TCA. We want to help everyone by helping their families. We have not yet brainstormed a way to serve the men in this community, but what better way to serve men than to serve the families they work hard to support every day?

Men’s Goals: We hope to maximize the value of what they do for their families. Our volunteers are compassionate, eager to serve, and essential cornerstones of this community. Families are the foundation of a thriving society.

Community Goals: We hope to provide health insurance by partnering with local insurance companies. These people will have designated hospitals that will serve them according to their health insurance. Health comes first. Payment comes later. That has been a reality in America for many years. We aspire to supply the same privilege to those who are hurting and in need of medical attention.

Editor’s Note: Americans celebrated Thanksgiving last month. We do not have that holiday in Burundi yet. And most vulnerable Communities rarely celebrate Christmas and New Year’s due to poverty, but we are THANKFUL to all of you, for an opportunity to educate and support others, as well as for your partnership and prayers. THANK YOU for making 2023 so inspiring.

Editor: Mikki Williams