The Tabitha Feeding Program has had a significant impact on both beneficiaries and on-site volunteers. Here is the story of the impact of the Volunteers’ Coordinator on the program. NAHIMANA Annociatte is a woman married to NTIRAMPEBA Philbert. They both have daughters and boys and live in Kamesa. Annociatte was among 16 regular volunteers who serve the kids in the morning. Due to her courage and commitment, she was chosen to coordinate the activities of the program.
- Feeding the kids and overseeing the program.
‘‘Feed me also ’’, Impa nanje. This is the word she hears daily from the 140 who benefit from the Feeding Program at Kamesa, Kanyosha Commune in Bujumbura Province. Besides having her sons and daughters, she has become a mother of hundreds and serves them wholeheartedly with a smile on her lips every morning.
Introducing and leading a VSLA Approach in her community
a VSLA group led by Annociatte NAHIMANA
Annociatte NAHIMANA has been able to gather 20 other women in rural areas and they have started a Village Saving and Loans Association. She was elected to preside over their community group and is working hard to empower other rural women. Her dream is to see resilient women participate in the rural development of their respective communities.
Seeing her commitment and diligence to serving the needy, her positive influence on the community she lives in, and the quality of her voluntary activities, Tabitha Community in Action is pleased to crown her the best Volunteer of July. We wish to see many engaged women like Annociatte bring immediate and lasting change in their communities.