According to the United Nations’ World Food Programme (2010), in developing countries, almost 60 million children go to school hungry every day and about 40 percent of them in Africa. After starting this feeding program in October 2021, a number of benefits have been associated with the program, which includes equitable access to education, increased school enrollment, improved attendance, punctuality, academic performance, health and nutrition, social protection, and community involvement.
It is believed that this program would prevent short-term hunger, encourage children to continue attending school and enhance their concentration and academic performance. This program in Kamesa Bujumbura Province, with the support of AMAZI WATER NGO, consists of feeding vulnerable children with a cup of porridge before they attend schools. It starts at 5H20-6H30 AM from Monday to Friday with 140 regular beneficiaries, and each Saturday we have a Morning Cup Club where 180 kids are fed and trained in life skills. Since the beginning of the program, we have been seeing an increase in the number of Orphans and Vulnerable Children from 40 to 220. A need is there.
On Saturday, the 4th of June, 2022, Tabitha Community in Action was pleased to receive Peace KARORERO, the Founder of Youth Are the Future Organization, from Arizona in the USA. She came with 20 volunteers and held different activities with 220 kids, such as Games, Coloring/Drawing, Reading, Praying, Emotions, Breathing, and Journaling. Volunteers were divided into 7 groups and were executing all those activities. Each child was trained in all those 7 activities.
Volunteers took time to listen to the kids while they were sharing with them their different stories. As volunteers had been trained on mental health for the past two months and on Friday June 3rd at Centre Suedois, the kids were heard and guided successfully. Most children have been suffering from mental health due to the conditions they live in. A permanent follow-up in counseling is needed so that the kids grow up free of mental illnesses and wounds. After the training, a meal was served to the kids. The kids enjoyed eating and drinking with them.
Kids in the activity of Games
Before the start of the program, the Saturday activity was honored by the attendance of the Provincial Youth Council Bureau. HAKIZIMANA Longin, the President of the Bujumbura Youth Council, thanked Tabitha Community in Action for this incredible work it is doing for the community in general and particularly the children and the youth. He deeply thanked Peace KARORERO for her loving heart and determination. He saluted her initiative of coming back from the United States of America to support vulnerable kids. He concluded his words by inviting Peace KARORERO, her volunteers and TCA Burundi to one activity in collaboration with the Bujumbura Youth
Peace KARORERO , the Founder of Youth Are the Future.
HAKIZIMANA Longin, the President of Bujumbura Youth Council
After the activity, all the kids, TCA Burundi Volunteers, and other guests thanked Youth Are the Future for having supported that activity. They prayed for continuous collaboration and support between both organizations. Each Saturday, TCA Burundi has a Morning Cup Club. If you want to join / support us, feel free to get in touch with us.