Celebrating Impact: Empowerment Through Agriculture

On April 8, 2024, the dedicated volunteers of Tabitha Community in Action, under the leadership of our National Coordinator Jean Marie Nicitegetse, visited one of the Women Solidarity Groups. We were honored to visit an extraordinary agricultural project facilitated by one of the Women’s Groups we proudly support in Bujumbura Province. Twenty members who represented […]
The Visit of Youth Are the Future led by Peace KARORERO at our Morning Cup Club on June 4, 2022.

According to the United Nations’ World Food Programme (2010), in developing countries, almost 60 million children go to school hungry every day and about 40 percent of them in Africa. After starting this feeding program in October 2021, a number of benefits have been associated with the program, which includes equitable access to education, increased […]

Saturday on May 14, 2022, Tabitha Community in Action was honored to receive the team from the local NGO Jeunesse au Service d’un Burundi Meilleur (@JSBMNanjeNobaho) led by Hugues Hardy RUREMESHA at our site in Kamesa, Kanyosha Commune, Bujumbura Province. After providing the school kits to over 400 Orphans and Vulnerable Children since 2018, we […]
Local initiative to end malnutrition

Rural transformation is vital for economic development and the achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including eliminating hunger and malnutrition. Rural youth employment and entrepreneurship are key drivers of the transformation process. Our holistic approach involves in our intervention children, the youth, adults, and old to create a lasting change in their communities. Last […]
Noël pour les enfants

Un Noël pas comme les autres pour les enfants vulnérables appuyés par Tabitha Community in Action Alors que le monde entier célébrait la fête de Noël aujourd’hui, les enfants, bénéficiaires du programme d’éducation de TCA Burundi dans la commune Kanyosha , à Kamesa ont célébré la fête de Noël avec l’Equipe YANN SANTANNA FAMILY AND […]
De l’amour pour tous

Les désirs des enfants de la rue se réalisent, grâce à la bienveillance d’innombrables personnes qui comprennent le langage de la solitude et du besoin d’amour.Une nouvelle maison, de nouvelles personnes et un tout nouveau mode de vie après avoir probablement ressenti la chaleur de l’amour d’un parent, qui n’est plus à cause de la […]